Unleash Your Performance Mindset

We understand you're busy so we've created a self-paced program of 10 online video modules - only 15-20 minutes each. We recommend you do them over a 4-5 week period - a couple of modules per week. In addition to the core course modules, there are valuable resources to help you throughout your 365-day subscription. Simply jump back in at any time for Emma's support.


Rebecca Smith Manager, Capability and Performance Swisse Wellness Pty Ltd

Emma Murray and her High Performance Mindfulness Program is the holy grail when it comes to a performance and mindset program to help businesses and team members harness their drive and ability to perform at their best. Emma’s energy, story and swag of practical tools are such an inspiration to us to help us understand and bring our ‘A-Game’ to everything we do, professionally and personally. This has changed the way we operate as a business and how we engage with each other in a truly positive and enduring way.

Matt Sallmann Global General Manager - Sales Enablement XERO

Emma’s ability to deliver complex methodology in an extremely practical and tangible way left a lasting impression on our teams. Her skill in connecting with people and using language that ‘stuck’ combined with providing relevant day-to-day tools and practices had a hugely positive impact on everyone involved. The HPM program has helped us better understand how our mind works and enable our people to spend more time in their ‘A-Game’ where they perform at their best more consistently.

Ryan Buckle, Head of Grainshaker Australian Vodka

Within the first 45 seconds of meeting Emma I was covered in goosebumps. All the barriers I had regarding self-belief, worthiness and finding my best when it mattered were suddenly dissolved. I realised that the way we are programmed and the stories we tell ourselves had been negatively impacting me and the way I was showing up. Fast forward 3 years and I am immeasurably different… I feel lighter, more impactful, growing levels of resilience and optimism and above all, a new perspective on life. Immense gratitude to Emma and her teachings. Plenty say it but can’t back it up… LIFE CHANGING.
  • 365 day subscription including access to the HPM resource library

  • Online & self paced

  • Digital credentials badge issued for LinkedIn

Get started today

10 power packed modules to train your mind like a muscle with proven techniques to to maximise your potential, productivity and performance!

Program Outcomes

  • Elevate focus & productivity

  • Enhance leadership

  • Improve collaboration & communication

  • Increase ownership & accoutability

  • Optimise performance & efficiency

  • Decrease fear, negativity, blame & criticism

  • Improve innovation & creativity

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Interactive Workbook

    • Your HPM Workbook

  • 3

    Module 1 - Control Your Mindset To Own Your Skillset

    • How Unhelpful Thoughts Can Sabotage Performance

    • Introduction to A-Game and B-Game

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 4

    Module 2 - It's All About Awareness

    • The Secret Is Shifting Mindsets

    • Cate Campbell Catches Her Attention

    • Discovering Your A-Game

    • Peer Voice

    • Discovering Your B-Game

    • Peer Voice

    • Oscar Piastri talks A-Game/B-Game

    • Noticing The Key Differences Between Your A-Game and B-Game

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 5

    Module 3 - The Caveman Mind

    • One Focus - One Flashlight

    • Peer Voice

    • Dylan Grimes talks about his flashlight

    • Moving Your Flashlight

    • Morgan Mitchell reveals her A-Game and B-Game

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 6

    Module 4 - It All Starts with STOP!

    • Introducing The STOP Tool

    • Tiffiny Hall on 'Acceptance'

    • Scott McLaughlin calls STOP!

    • Morgan Mitchell calls STOP!

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 7

    Module 5 - Just Take a Breath

    • Just Take A Breath

    • Will Pucovski - The Power of the Breath

    • Scott McLaughlin on breath

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 8

    Module 6 - Where's Your Focus?

    • Motion Changes Emotion

    • Jack Riewoldt’s Physical Shift

    • Peer Voice

    • Creating Your Can-do Mantra

    • Will Pucovski’s Can-do Mantra

    • Cate Campbell's 'Performance Persona'

    • Peer Voice

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 9

    Module 7 - Overcoming Overwhelm

    • Progress with A-Game Action

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 10

    Module 8 - Setting Yourself Up For Success

    • The Demon of Expectation

    • Cate Campbell on Demon of Expectation

    • Jack Riewoldt on Demon of Expectation

    • Preparation is Everything!

    • Pull the Ripcord

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 11

    Module 9 - Critique Over Criticism

    • Critique vs Criticsm - What's the Difference?

    • Dylan Grimes on Critiquing

    • Helping Shift Others

    • Daily Practice

    • Module Resources

  • 12

    Module 10 - Creating an A-Game Team

    • A-Game Team Principles

    • Trent Cotchin on A-Game Teams

    • Daily Practice

    • It's a Wrap!

    • Module Resources

    • Next Steps

    • My Mind Map

    • Keep In Touch

  • 13

    'Help me...' videos

    • Help me... breathe

    • Help me... manage nerves

    • Help me... manage overwhelm

    • Help me... embrace trust and accountability

    • Help me... break the addiction to my phone

    • Help me... stop comparing myself to others

    • Help me... prioritise my workload

    • Help me... sleep better

    • Help me... provide constructive feedback

    • Help me... beat procrastination

    • Help me... manage fatigue & exhaustion

  • 14

    Interview Library

  • 15

    Visualisations and Meditations

    • Sleep guided visualisation

    • Body Scan guided visualisation

    • A-Game/B-Game guided visualisation

    • 5 Senses Guided Visualisation

    • Acceptance guided visualisation

    • Box Breathing

    • 3, 4, 5 Breathing

    • 4, 7, 8 Breathing

    • Take 5 Breathing

    • Physical Shift Guided Visualisation

    • Can-do Mantra Guided Visualisation

    • Overcoming Overwhelm Guided Visualisation

    • Using Gratitude to Create Your Best Day

    • Pre-performance guided visualisation

    • Morning Meditation

    • Daily Gratitude Guided Visualisation

Get Ready!

Feel better to do better

Get ready to equip yourself with the tools and strategies to manage your mindset in order to maximise your potential, productivity and performance.